Our Pods during Games Time

The London Ambassadors will provide a first class visitor service during Games Time from four very distinctive Pods situated in 43 locations around London.
There are four types of Pods, each a different size and shape. They are designed to be easily identifiable with their bright colours that fit in with the wider look and feel of London during the games. Although different is size and shape, all the Pods have, as a minimum, the following in common:
- A small office with a laptop, printer and mobile phone for the Location Manager to use
- Various materials for visitors including:
- Host City Map
- Local area map
- London Planner Guide
- MoL Presents Guides
- NHS Stay healthy leaflet
- Externally they are decorated with local information relating to the games
- Fully accessible for persons with disabilities
- Secure - lockable at night
These are our flagship and the largest of our Pods, the size of a large bedroom. They will not only be hubs where information is distributed, but also walk-in dwell spaces featuring interactive touch screen displays and games time highlights.
These are much smaller than the Experience Pods. They are modular in structure and only large enough for two Ambassadors to access the interior. All the visitor interaction will be done face-to-face outside or in the vicinity of the Pod.
This is the most flexible Pod of the four with a totem structure at one end. Next to the totem structure, is a small working top with a cupboard underneath. The Pod is made up of four large panels that lock into a fixed position with local and games information on both sides.
This is an electric car that will be deployed at locations where there isn’t enough space for one of the other types of Pod. It also gives the team the flexibility to move the Pod around to where the visitor demands are.
If you see one of the Pods, do visit them and say hello to the Ambassadors!