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Creating a user-centric intranet
Intranets are not static. You will need to re-design its use as your company's needs changes.
Re-launching a user-centric intranet that adds value and meets your business objectives.
I presented at the conference soon after the work I did in harmonising AXA’s intranet architecture, web applications, and a complete re-branding of the intranet.
My presentation was on “Meeting user needs and maintaining interest with dynamic content” and covered issues such as:
- Creating a balance between what users need and what information adds value
- Ensuring that content can be navigated easily and consistently
- Transforming your intranet from being high content but low quality to lower content but higher quality
- Getting the users involved with interactive content and avoiding duplication
- Creating intranet interest, then habit, then addiction!
View presentation (pdf; 148 KB; 14 pages).
View conference brochure (pdf;198 KB; 6 pages).